This is a big deal because none of my Airedales since the first has delighted in biting the water running from a hose. What an opportunity to get extra wet and muddy! (For both me and the dog.)
Miro discovered the hose when I carried the chicken waterer across the yard to refill it. The chicken pen is a very attractive place, as it contains yummy chicken poop that dogs are not allowed to get at. The flappy, squeaky toys that produce the poop are of secondary interest. Not only did the metal waterer come from this delightful place but also it had some of those gourmet treats on top.
You know what it's like to try to get some domestic chore done while trying to keep mini-jaws-of-death away. You hurry, you scramble to get it done as quickly as possible, you dance a jig in your attempts to keep the wanted object(s) away from the dog.
When I turned on the hose, Miro was already pepped up. Snap. He backed up a couple of paces in surprise. He launched forward. Snap snap snap. Water, water everywhere....