Miró, Airecraft Carries Me Home
Jan. 26, 2009—May 11, 2021
The bringer of joy to my life for the past twelve years is gone, dead of spinal cancer. When I went to Ohio to pick up 10-week-old Red Collar, Dale Burrier said this dog was the one who’d throw an arm over your shoulder and say, “Let’s go get a beer.” He was right. Because I kept chickens, I had wanted a dog without a strong prey drive, though like other Airecraft Airedales bred for hunting and working, Miró loved to train. In early obedience classes, I was advised to tone down the praise because otherwise he’d get so happy and excited that he disrupted the work. We didn’t pursue a particular sport but took various classes over the years just for fun. He quickly figured out that if he rolled onto his back with his feet in the air and a grin on his face, everyone would laugh. He did not bark much until Alanis died, at which time he enthusiastically took over the job of chief noise maker, a job he held until his final illness—his only illness. He loved greeting people. When we went to the dog park, he’d run around a bit with other dogs but spend most of his time going up to people to be appreciated. He charmed people with his eager expression and bright, dark eyes.