Alanis' $400 teeth cleaning today morphed into $1200 with the unexpected radiographs, additional anesthetic, and extractions. For that price, they should include false teeth; instead the vet took out five. Poor Alanis has the worst teeth of any dog I've ever owned. She's also on her way to outliving my previous Airedales. Maybe running less and sleeping more helps you live longer.
The weird thing is that her front incisors are worn down to nubs. The vet says that will happen with dogs who chew on toys a lot and/or like to carry tennis balls around. In the 4+ years I've had her, I've never seen Alanis do more than pick up a toy and drop it again. The only chewing she has done was on the occasional bone.
I did learn that tartar and other tooth problems build up faster in older dogs. Her teeth had looked OK six months ago and were in bad shape today. The veterinarian, as vets do, suggested brushing her teeth. Right. Like trying to brush the teeth of the Looney Tunes Tasmanian Devil when he's in dervish mode.
Alanis will get soft food for the next seven to ten days. I bought some canned food to have on hand but cooked ground beef, potatoes, and carrots for her and mashed it all together. Miro will be soooo jealous. Anybody know how much of that stuff to feed a 40-lb, elderly Airedale?